By Christopher Leeson
Lew Gaff was a cop on the take;
Most hookers kept clear of the snake.
He shook down the crooks,
Kept his graft off the books,
But one evening he made a mistake.
Lew tried to put heat on Zhor spies,
Who looked just like pimps to his eyes.
When Gaff had them nabbed
He got needle-jabbed,
And woke up a girl half his size.
The doctors were all mystified;
Lew responded to nothing they tried.
Upon winning release,
"He" remained the police,
But assumed a false name out of pride.
Those in the the know were quite few,

Though her temper was raw,
Cops liked what they saw,
And some got too fresh, as men do.
This girly life gave Lu distress;
Her affairs were an ongoing mess.
She liked it least well
That her figure looked swell.
Her sex one half-blind could guess.